What Should I Expect From a Physiotherapy Treatment?

Are you feeling nervous about visiting a physiotherapist for the first time?
That’s understandable: many patients have no idea what physiotherapy involves before they try it. Some expect it to be uncomfortable based on what they’ve seen in movies or on television.
But physiotherapy is often a simpler, more pleasant experience than people expect. And skilled practitioners can achieve powerful results that improve patients’ quality of life in various ways.
Below, we’ll explore what you should expect from your physiotherapy treatment in detail. Read on to find out what the process involves, how it helps, and more.
What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy treatment focuses on restoring function, movement, and flexibility in one or more areas of the body. Practitioners treat a plethora of issues that disrupt patients’ ability to live and work.
Patients usually visit a physiotherapist when they suffer an injury, or have an illness or disability that affects their mobility. Physiotherapy can:
- Reduce pain
- Encourage recovery from neurological impairment
- Restore and enhance movement in specific joints
- Improve coordination
- Help you return to work following an injury
- Prevent injuries from recurring
- Improve performance
- Create an exercise program
You’ll be provided with a bespoke treatment plan based on your unique needs.
What Conditions and Injuries can Physiotherapy Treatment Help?
Physiotherapists treat issues affecting:
- Soft tissue
- Joints
- Bones
- Nervous system
- Respiratory system
- Circulation
As a result, practitioners can help with:
- Sports injuries affecting different areas
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Shoulder pain
- Post-surgery recovery
- Arthritis
- Foot pain
- Rehabilitating bones after fractures
- Ligament injuries
- Pinched nerves
- Sciatica
- Muscle strains and tears
- Recovery from stroke
- Sports specific training
If you have a painful injury or condition, you may worry that physiotherapy treatment will be too uncomfortable. But experienced physiotherapists have treated many patients with diverse issues and understand how to relieve pain through trusted techniques.
They’ll discuss your treatment at length to give you total peace of mind and help you relax while they work.
How is Physiotherapy Treatment Performed?
Bloor Yonge Chiropractic’s physiotherapists will treat you with a combination of active and passive methods. These include:
- McKenzie exercises that extend the spine (performed in a prone, sitting, or standing position) to target sciatica and back pain — learn more about the Benefits of McKenzie Method
- Manual therapy techniques (including manipulation or mobilization) to restore movement and reduce pain
- Postural retraining to enhance alignment and increase strength
- General conditioning to aid recovery and flexibility
- Electrotherapy using Shockwave, laser, or ultrasound
Physiotherapists will also provide education to help you understand how your body currently works, how it should function, and to reduce your risk of further injury.
What Will Happen During My First Physiotherapy Session?
Your first physiotherapy session will involve discussion of your condition, , examinations, and recommendations.
You’ll have an opportunity to discuss your mobility difficulties, pain, injuries, disability, or illness in depth. The more you can tell your physiotherapist, the better they will be able to get to the root of your issues — and create the right treatment plan for you.
They may ask:
- When did you first become aware of your injury or condition?
- What treatment have you already received (physiotherapy or otherwise)?
- What impact does your injury, illness, or disability make on your life?
The practitioner will also explore your medical history to identify past health conditions you may have experienced. They’ll have the information they need to determine what techniques will work best for you, and which they should avoid (if any).
The Three Examinations
Practitioners will also undertake three examinations to ensure they make the right diagnosis:
- Orthopaedic
- Neurological
- Functional
Your physiotherapist will ask you to perform various movements during these examinations. These motions will show the practitioner how your condition or injury affects your flexibility, strength and coordination, and at what point you start to experience pain.
You may need to adjust your position to perform these. The physiotherapist will help you stand, sit, or lie down comfortably.
Whether or not you feel nervous during this first visit, your physiotherapist will help you feel comfortable and earn your trust. They’ll answer your questions and explain what they’re doing when using manual therapy or other therapeutic modalities to treat you.
Feel free to be vocal during your examinations and describe your symptoms to the practitioner. Otherwise, they could find it harder to reach a correct diagnosis and (ultimately) your treatment may not be as effective as it should be.
Creating your treatment plan
Following your examinations, the physiotherapist will build a treatment plan for you. This will cover the exercises, therapeutic intervention, activities, and lifestyle changes required to encourage recovery.
It may also incorporate additional forms of treatment, such as massage therapy, acupuncture, or chiropractic techniques.
Any of these complementary therapies will be performed at Bloor Yonge Chiropractic, and your physiotherapist will explain why they could benefit you.
Maintenance is crucial for effective physiotherapy treatment: our team will recommend specific lifestyle changes that could improve your health, wellbeing, and recovery.
This could include changing your eating habits, incorporating nutritional supplements into your diet, exercising and further treatments. Your physiotherapist may make these recommendations during your initial visit or after they get to know your lifestyle better.
How to Get Started with Your Physiotherapy Treatment at Bloor Yonge Chiropractic
Bloor Yonge Chiropractic’s physiotherapists have the training, experience, and skills set required to treat many conditions or injuries.
We specialize in bespoke patient experiences: you’ll receive the right treatment based on extensive examinations and research. We’re dedicated to helping you feel better, happier, and more comfortable following your course of treatment.
You can contact the team at our clinic in Toronto and discuss your needs today. And you can learn about our other services and programs, such as:
- Injury Recovery and Prevention
- TMJ Disorder and Migraine
- Ergonomics
- Weight Management
- Postural Correction
- Athletic Performance Enhancement
- Pain Management
- Stress Management
- Arthritis
- Pregnancy and Postpartum
Contact Bloor Yonge Chiropractic to find out more about our physiotherapy and other treatments now!