Physiotherapy Services | Bloor Yonge Chiropractic
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Physiotherapy is used to reduce pain and restore musculoskeletal function and range of motion. Physiotherapists can help patients increase their ability to move, as well as their range of motion and flexibility.

Our Approach

At Bloor Yonge Chiropractic, we use a combination of multiple active and passive mechanical approaches to address pain and dysfunction-related disorders to support the recovery process. They include:
  • Manual therapy techniques such as mobilization or manipulation
  • McKenzie exercises for back pain and sciatica
  • Postural retraining and general conditioning
  • Patient education in proper body mechanics and techniques to prevent injury
  • Electrotherapy modalities such as Shockwave, ultrasound, or laser

Physiotherapy can be used for a treatment of wide range of conditions. For example, patients who have undergone surgery will often seek physiotherapy treatment to help with recovery, while others may undergo physiotherapy to prevent disability. Stroke victims will use physiotherapy as part of their post-stroke rehabilitation.

Many professional and amateur athletes will see a physiotherapist in order to recover from their injuries or prevent injuries from occurring in the first place, since physiotherapy can be used as a preventive medicine.

Conditions Treated

Physiotherapy treatment works to correct and prevent neuromusculoskeletal impairment, as well as stimulate function and recovery of muscles, nerves, joints, ligaments and blood supply.

It can help:
  • Restore and increase the range of motion in joints
  • Prevent and treat injuries, including sports injuries
  • Increase coordination
  • Return to work after an injury
  • Alleviate pain
  • Recover from neurological impairment

Our Process

Initial Examination

During the first visit our Physiotherapist will perform an initial examination where patients will disclose any particular issue or injury, as well as their health history. Physiotherapist will also perform orthopedic, neurological and functional examinations to establish correct diagnosis.

Treatment Plan

Based on the examination results Physiotherapist will provide his recommended treatment plan and discuss it with the patient before any procedures are performed. Treatment plans may incorporate other therapies, such as acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage therapy.


Although many of our patients come to Bloor Yonge Chiropractic to address specific conditions, our team will also assess your overall health and recommend any lifestyle changes. Our treatment plans may emphasize dietary changes, exercise and weight maintenance programs and nutritional supplements, in addition to physical therapy or other treatments.